God did not create us with an auto-correct design

Written byLinda Faith

10th April 2017

God did not create us with an auto-correct design

The other day I was texting someone, and just as I got ready to hit the send button, I noticed the auto-correct had changed one of the words into an awful word. I was so glad I noticed it before I sent it. It’s really amazing how just one or two letters can change the whole meaning of a word to something totally opposite of the intended one. In a split second we can send a message that could really hurt someone.

It made me think about the words we speak, how they too, in a split second can send a message of encouragement and kindness to bless someone or they can do the opposite, and send a message that tears down and hurts the heart of the hearer.

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” How true this is to anyone who has been broken and crushed through sorrow or suffering and a friend comes along with a word of hope and kindness. It lifts us up and brings life to our souls; because we do affect one another in a significant way. Proverbs 12:18 says, “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” We speak healing and we speak life with our words to each other. When we stop and think about what we’re going to say to someone, it’s being wise. It’s easy to just shoot off from the top of our head in a heated moment, or frustration. But, the Lord wants us to stop and consider what we say.

Jesus did. Many times he would pause before He spoke. And then when He spoke, His words were full of wisdom, always geared to what that person needed at the time. The woman caught in adultery was a great example of this. Jesus paused and drew in the sand; and then when He spoke, it was with extraordinary wisdom that stopped the mouths and accusations of everyone there.

We all will fail at times. In a moment of frustration our words can turn from kindness to criticism, mercy to judgment, or peacefulness to harshness. But, if we can make it our goal to stop and consider, to be wise in our choice of words and seek to bless and not curse others; then we can be vessels of blessing in a hurting world.

Life can be hard and challenging for people. We don’t know what a person went through that day or in their lifetime that brought them to this point. A loving word can make all the difference. Let’s strive to shine as lights, and share God’s light and love with those we come in contact with. Whether family, friend or stranger; let’s stop and consider what we say to each and every person.

Not only can it make a difference for others, but, for ourselves as well. For instead of coming to the end of the day feeling terrible about something we said to someone that hurt them or even something we didn’t say to encourage when we had an opportunity to make a difference; we can rejoice in having encouraged and blessed someone.

Yes, God didn’t make us with an auto correct design; causing us to say the wrong thing without realizing it. He made us responsible for what we say or don’t say; it makes such a difference. Let’s look for opportunities each day to make a difference, and speak life and healing into others hearts and lives.

Joanie Millier

I love writing and have enjoyed journaling all my life. I’ve been writing articles for Jewels Magazine over the last year, and love sharing about the Lord and encouraging others in our faith. I’m a published author of a children’s book:”Help,Lord! I Need A Bandage On My Heart.” I’m almost ready to publish my second book in the “Help Lord” series in a few months. In 2009 I received a diploma from LongRidge Writers Group, and I received an Honorable Mention Certificate in the Writer’s Digest 76th Annual Writing Competition. I feel very priviledged to have this opportunity to write for Jewels Magazine.

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