What can we do about the pending U.S. elections

Written byLinda Faith

15th June 2016

What can we do about the pending U.S. elections

God has called us to do 2 Chronicles 7:14. He admonishes us to do this instead of all this fighting and bad mouthing. God put it on my heart this morning again, ‘just do the word’.

My fellow believers, as we all know so well, everything recently in the news and on social media is about the elections. It’s rough to watch and crazy at times. The cut-throat debates between candidates, puts knots in my stomach like kids get when their parents argue. But, I find myself feeling the same way about the critical ‘put downs of candidates’ that comes from the people. Lately this question keeps popping up in the inside of me: how much time have we spent on our knees asking for what God tells us in 2 Chronicles 7:14? Are we praying for the healing of our land; instead of judging and pointing fingers, arguing and defending our precious opinions!

This is what He says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” I am challenged by this. He isn’t saying to fight among ourselves. He is challenging us to humble ourselves, seek His face, and turn from what we have wrong in our own lives instead of pointing the fingers at others, (yes, even if they are politicians).

Some may say what good will this do? I ask what good is all the fighting, protesting, and criticisms of others doing to our country? As Christians how much time do we spend on our knees praying for this land? Honestly, I think we spend a lot of time looking at all that’s wrong in this country and complaining about it. God uses this scripture to put it back on us; He asks us to humble ourselves and seek His face and turn from what we have wrong in our lives. And guess what? He promises healing to our land.

Joanie Millier

Joanie Millier authors children’s books. She lives in California.

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