
Written byLinda Faith

9th November 2016


Romans 1:27-32 talks about a variety of sins. It mentions homosexuality and the wrath that accompanies it. It also speaks about such other sins as adultery, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, whispering, back-biters, haters, violence, pride, inventors of evil things etc.

All of the above are different types of sins. And yet they are all sin. We do not have the liberty to sit and grade them on a scale of severity, and so apportion leniency to some. We do not have the permission to grade, nullify, or lessen any of these as lesser. We cannot rebuke homosexuality, and tolerate covetousness; we cannot tear down sexual immorality, and tolerate backbiting, whispering, pride, hatred, disdain for some. God does not work like that. They are all sin to Him.

God is a true judge. Jesus will judge us all. Many years ago, I was in the midst of some Christians. They prayed in tongues, read their Bible, attended church dutifully, had Christian friends etc. But they were so self seeking, judgmental, finger-pointing, and never having a self-reflection. Watching them, I never wanted to be a Christian. I never wanted to be like them. Their fruits were not pleasing, strengthening or encouraging. Now I know that what I wanted was Jesus’ fruits, and not theirs. How many people watching your life will want your fruit? May we not have a false righteousness and hope to lead the blind, when we ourselves are blind.

May God have mercy on us and help us to do what is right before Him.

Linda Faith

Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She co-pastors along with her husband Revival Worship Church, Tampa. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk.

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