Love is the great exchange

Written byLinda Faith

3rd January 2017

Love is the great exchange

The greater the love, the deeper the wound. Jesus’ wounds were beyond the surface of a bleeding brow, nail piercings or torn open back. Those were excruciatingly painful, but not as painful as bearing our sins, iniquities and transgressions. His wounds went way beyond the cross. He invested His Love in us. Love, the greatest gift you could give anyone. Love died and came to life at the same time when He sacrificed Himself that day on the cross. He died so we could have life. He had to, in order to reconcile us to the Father completely. Without His sacrifice, the purpose of Him coming would have been incomplete. We must get a vivid picture of this in our hearts. Not just head knowledge, but heart knowledge. Spirit to spirit, one with Him. He died for you. And when you don’t see that or receive that, it continues to wound Him over and over. Why, because He has Love invested in you! Love, the greatest currency! The greatest exchange!

Love can be a risk; but if given with the right intentions, love can change a life.

Natural love is materialistic and self-motive driven. The Father’s love is given with pure intent. It is a gift you give even though you don’t receive anything in return. The exchange is supernatural. It has eternal weight to it. If you are investing with the love from the Father’s heart then you can never go wrong. His love never fails. True love with pure intent never fails. If love is given with the right motives, then it can penetrate your heart so deep it can feel like your heart could literally burst in a good way. That’s a feeling worth giving for. That’s the feeling Christ died for. His heart was bursting with love for you and I. He not only did it for us, but for the Father. He loved His Father so much He sacrificed Himself to bring back His other children.

Jesus, closer than a brother, our Savior, our King. What wonderful love in exchange for our sinful natured hearts.

So think about when He died and rose again. He conquered sin and death: our sin and our eternal death. We don’t believe and accept Him because we owe Him. We believe and accept Him because we love Him. We love because He first loved us. He invested His love into us from the beginning of His life.

You may be altering the course of someone’s heart by the way you treat them. Altering the way they see you, see themselves and possibly how they see God. Eventually they will heal, but what you did to them will haunt you until you repent and let love replace the intent in your heart. God wants to love you and wants to teach you how to love well. We must put ourselves and selfish motives aside and ask Jesus to be Lord of our hearts. Ask the Father to show you how to love and how to do it well. When we love, a great exchange should take place. We give love and then we will receive joy, love and peace in return from the Father. I promise He is smiling down on you when you love another one of His children and you do it well. Give love today, even to those who you don’t think “deserve it”.

It will be the greatest exchange of your heart. From the supernatural to the natural then back to the supernatural. The rewards are endless.

Written by Dee White

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Dee White has been walking with the Lord for over 20 years and has found a way to use her God given gifts, personal experiences and passions to minister to others. She has walked the road of depression, anxiety and suffered with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The Lord has completely transformed her and she has been delivered and healed from all of them. As an artist and disciple of Jesus she finds great comfort in writing and loves to share her heart and the heart of the Father through devotions, storytelling or her art. She is passionate about seeing others set free and living a victorious life in Christ.

She has resided in South Carolina for 10 years and attends Bridgeway Church in Greenville, SC with her husband and two children.

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