Random acts of love

Written byLinda Faith

8th June 2017

Random acts of love

“Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

The saying “love makes the world go round” is so very true. Love is at the very base of everything in life. We were all created in love by God. He did not create us to be alone, He created us to be in a family surrounded by others that love us; He created us to be in community with others to love and to be loved. And the greatest commission He’s given us is to “love Him and love one another”. Jesus modeled that for us so well. He spoke love and He showed love to everyone He came in contact with. He was loving, compassionate, kind, caring, and so much more. He was a friend to all, even to those that were unloved and hard to love. We all have so much to learn from His life here on earth. And ALL He asks is that we LOVE. It seems like such a simple thing, yet sometimes we all find it so hard to do. It means taking time out of our daily lives, even if it’s just for a few minutes, and putting our needs aside to show love and kindness to others around us. It can have the biggest impact on someone’s life and even change their entire life course, and all it takes is a simple act of love… instead of hate, anger, rage, judgement or condemnation. It is a choice and it starts with each of us. We each have a choice to make daily and with each simple act we can reach others all around us and make a big difference. We can truly be God’s hands, His feet, His voice and most of all His heart to everyone around us.
God’s love can be expressed in so many ways. Each day we can all show God’s love to others in all the little things we do. The most obvious ways are telling people you love them. But our actions can speak so much louder than words to those around us. There are so many ways to show God’s love. It can be as small as simply smiling at others; giving little gifts, whether home-made or handpicked; helping others; saying kind and encouraging words; spending time with others; even giving a small loving touch like a pat on the back or a hug to let others know you care.

Every day we have the opportunity to impact others’ lives. Look around, everywhere you go there is an opportunity to show God’s love. Whether you’re at home, in your neighborhood, church, local school or library, shopping at a grocery store or department store, gas station, eating out… there are so many little ways all around you to spread God’s love.
It’s really that simple! The sky is the limit with what opportunities God brings your way every day. And if sometimes you fail, it’s easy, just try again. Get your children and families involved too. A little love goes a very long way…so spread some love!

RANDOM ACTS OF LOVE: Call, visit or send homemade cards to loved ones. Help an elderly or handicapped person. Open doors for others. Put up someone’s shopping cart for them. Help someone with their bags. Always say thank you to policemen, firemen & those serving our country. Be kind, smile & thank servers & cashiers at stores & drive thru’s. Buy a meal for a homeless person. Help someone pick up something out of their reach. Bring a meal to someone. Visit someone at hospital or nursing home. Help others when they are short on change. Always smile

Dàna Marie Bucci — Author / Illustrator of Children’s books “A Big, Big Love” & “A Big, Big Heart”

This article was inspired by her new Children’s book, “A Big, Big Heart”. She hopes to aid parents and child care providers in teaching children about how to spread God’s love to others. Her desire is that her books will be wonderful tools to begin opening doors in a child’s heart for a deeper understanding that will lead to many wonderful discussions, a true time of sharing God’s love between parents and children, and spreading God’s love to others.

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