We are not shitholes, we are God’s children…

Written byLinda Faith

11th January 2018

We are not shitholes, we are God’s children…

Has God changed? Is He no more faithful, righteous and just? Is He no more loving? Does He still love us all the same? Is He still a God of all peoples?

If God has not changed, then it must be us that changed. It must be us that are no more like Him. It must be us that moved so far away and aligned ourselves with something so foreign to God.

I am a firm believer that who and what we get behind says more about us than about who we have gotten behind. Today the President of the United States said words to this effect that those from African countries or of African heritage come from shithole countries. He said this of people who are made in God’s image and likeness. He said this of those of whom Jesus said, ‘If one should fall into the pit, I will leave the 99 and go after the one!’ The time we are in is callous, and it puts Christians in a bad light. How can we be impactful? How can we be the light? This should be our objective. How can we win the lost? That should be the purpose of our lives. Who will want to hear from us when they already feel marginalized by us? Who cares to know of our God when they feel they are not liked by us! On the internet we have managed to be very vocal; very intolerant; very hostile. For a moment I was confused and disheartened about it all. How can so many still testify to God, and yet they turn and tear others apart? I had to take time to be quiet; what is all this about? Who are we? What are we? With the right conditions, what is within us might just come out. I guess God has put a mirror to Christianity’s heart. A preacher we know very well in Florida who once spoke fondly of the Holy Spirit now tweets abuse, bigotry, homophobia, racially tinged abuses etc. It is a shame that all of these is done under the guise of Christianity. I sat across the table from a woman sometime ago, she spoke of politics in such a way that she burned with anger and disdain against Hilary Clinton. I guess if Hilary’ soul were left in her hands, she would wish Hilary to go to hell. She said ‘Obama is not a Christian.’ How can she know this? How do we know what is in someone else’ heart? How can you tell someone that they are not a believer? What gives me the right to judge another! How does one judge to such a level, that we damn our neighbor? How can this be right?

If you are a true believer, pray that God help you. It is chilly in Christian Land, and we are going cold as a people – and we do not even know we are going cold! We have broken that sacred covenant, ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ We have torn it into tatters, and aligned with something that is so worldly and so against what the word of God says. Yes, if we try, we can justify our actions. We can say they are wrong and we are right. We can point the finger, and leave the log in our own eye. And yet we forget that we will all stand before the pearly gate one day and the true Judge who is a righteous judge will judge – not based on His feelings, liking, or what others have said – He will judge based on what we have done and His righteousness. Pray that God help you, and that His love flush over you. I don’t care what color one is; if one harbors resentment against another, today is the day of repentance. My prayer is that what should not be in me will be taken out in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Linda Faith

Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She has authored eight books. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk. She was a software developer before she started writing.
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