A life of joy

Written bykayode_adm

8th February 2016

A life of joy

Are you joyful?

Joy is not happiness. Happiness is dependent on happenings; happiness is dependent on what has already happened or on a happening that is about to occur. Happiness can be on a day to day basis. It is temporal because it is circumstantial by nature. If you are a Coca-Cola lover – then equate happiness to opening that can of coke, hearing the can pop as the gas oozes out. And then the happiness cumulates as one begins to down that fizzy drink. This happiness ends once the last drop has been drunk. And so happiness is dependent on something. It is not self-sufficient. It needs a fix.

You just don’t want to be happy. You want joy!

Joy was what Jesus promised the Samaritan woman in John 4. The woman was always drawing water from Jacob’s well; and she was always running out. She had been married a few times, and many times unhappy. Each time she met a new man, she must have thought ‘this is it!’ And in time that happiness ran out again and again, as she had divorced five husbands in her past. And was now with another man who probably was Mr. Happy! Jesus brought it to her attention that she was looking for the wrong thing. Do not simply look for happiness – look for joy! I mean the joy of the Lord.

Now Joy can only come from God! Jesus said in John 4:10 that if this Samaritan woman had asked Him for water, He would have given her ‘living water’. Living water is joy! It lives in us. It does not disappear after an event has taken place. It does not disappear after a break-up; and neither does it disappear because of low funds.

Joy takes residence! It lives in us. It abides. Jesus reaffirms this in John 7:38’ that those who believe in Him, out of their hearts will flow rivers of living water. They will become so full of God, that the water He gives will begin to flow out! What joy! You will know when your life is filled with Joy. Joy will be flowing. Regardless of the situation, God’s joy will flow. This joy will become your strength to face all things. This joy will be the weapon in your life to pull down all the tricks of the devil. We should have rivers of joy in us. It should be living in us.

I encourage you to have a life of joy and not settle for ‘a life of happiness’ May the joy of the Lord rest on you and be yours today.

Linda Faith

Linda faith is the editor of Jewels Magazine. She co-pastors along with her husband Revival Worship Church, Tampa. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk.

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