Adopt a street challenge

Written byLinda Faith

11th June 2016

Jewels Magazine Adopt a street challenge

It seems most streets look the same; with rows of houses on every side. In some cases, rows of shops. You might see people milling up and down the street; yet you never know what they are going through, or the state of their personal lives. These could be prominent streets, or even back streets with a dark and undesirable alley. They could be leafy streets with expensive homes on either side; or they could be ghettos with sirens and blaring lights often visitors. These streets could have failing schools with failing neighborhoods; or even well-to-do schools with failing families. There is nothing that could prepare you for what goes on behind those doors.

These streets are someone’s neighborhoods; someone’s life resides in those houses or apartment blocks. These lives are no statistics. These are people who can be exposed to the gospel. They need joy; healing; peace; strength; blessings of prosperity. They need them all. Their children need peace. So what can be done?

I challenge you to adopt a street and pray for it. Walk up and down that street if you like. Prayer walk. Pray God’s blessings and peace over the street. Pray for revival. Pray for a massive exodus to God in that street. Ask God to heal the broken homes on that road. Ask God to heal every manner of sickness and disease. Make a commitment. You might just change the street. You and God.  

Visit our facebook and let us know what you are doing for this challenge.

Linda Faith Editor of Jewels Magazine

Linda faith is the editor of Jewels Magazine. She co-pastors along with her husband Revival Worship Church, Tampa. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk.

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