Take me

Take me

Take me Take me on a journey, Lord Take me from where my flesh rules Take me to a distant shore, a distant place Where my flesh has no power to dictate, or control me Take me where my emotions are in love with you and not with the world Take me on Your journey, with a...
A clean vessel

A clean vessel

Make me a clean vessel Lord, I would a clean vessel be, So that the world would see Christ in me. So clean the cobwebs of my mind, And throw away the trash you find. These thoughts of fear and doubt and pride, I pray, dear Lord, make them subside. And worry and...
You bring hope with each rising sun

You bring hope with each rising sun

You bring hope with each rising sun Every morning we can count on the sun to rise again and peel back the darkness, revealing what’s been so hard to see and understand in its absence. There is a sweetness in the purity of the morning. There is a vulnerability...
The fury of God’s love

The fury of God’s love

The fury of God’s love God’s love is so powerful, dependable, and able to save. It is so strong; like a massive anchor, it holds us tight. It holds us, with a fastened grip. Never to let go of us. As strong as His love is, so is it soft and tender. His love is...
The harvest

The harvest

The harvest What will you do when the Harvest comes in So many souls for Jesus to win. Is your heart prepared to give of yourself All the gifts God’s given to take off the shelf. And lay down your life and all that you do To let Jesus’ Life and Light shine through...
I know Your glory awaits

I know Your glory awaits

I know Your glory awaits I look to the mountain. At the top is where Your glory dwells. I will no longer look at the incline, the struggles, the trials, the hardships as something to pray away, for I know where they lead. I know where I am headed. They prepare me....