Detoxing is a process we should go through now and again. It is a process that actually cleans the blood. There are many steps to take to be able to remove the toxins that are in one’s blood. According to Wikipedia, Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver.
I believe to keep healthy we should go through this process. These are some of the natural steps to take to help your body detoxify according to
- Eat plenty of fiber
- Cleanse and protect liver by taking herbs such as dandelion root, burdock, milk thistle and drink green tea.
- Take vitamin C, which helps your body to produce glutathione which gets rid of toxins.
- Drink two quarts of water a day.
- Breathe deeply to allow oxygen to circulate more completely through your system.
- Transform stress by emphasizing positive emotions
- Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate wastes through perspiration.
- Dry brush your skin or try detox foot spas to remove some toxins via your pores.
- Exercise
There is a need to detox spiritually too! There is a need to remove those impurities. Those impurities and toxins make us sluggish; fatigued; allergy prone; bloated; irritated; confused; infection prone etc. Same spiritually. We need to detox so these symptoms do not take hold spiritually either.
So how do you detox spiritually? Fasting and prayer.
Fasting cuts out toxins when done with the right heart. The wrong type of fasting was spoken of in Isaiah 58. The people sought to seek God with fasting to know His will. They humbled themselves for a day. They bowed their heads and wore sack cloth. Yet they exploited their workers; refused to share their food with the hungry. They ended their fasting with quarreling and strife. Scripture says God won’t hear such prayers nor look upon such fasting. Why? It appears that despite their fast, their toxins were being multiplied.
God does not want a fast for fast sake. He wants one that will change us; He wants one that will draw us closer to Him. He wants a fast that will open the heavens above us. He wants a fasting that will result in us feeding the poor, caring for the under-privileged; showing mercy and love. He wants a fast that will bring holiness and righteousness.
What type of fast do you do? I am not talking about a veggie and fruit fast. I am not talking about a smoothie cleanse, or a juice cleanse, or even a sugar detox. I am talking about a Holy Fast. Such a fast will clean everything out in your life if done properly. It will make your heart soft and obedient towards God. It will make you even closer to God than you were before. Such a fast will maintain an open heaven in your life.
Linda Faith
Linda faith is the editor of Jewels Magazine. She co-pastors along with her husband Revival Worship Church, Tampa. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk.