Don’t give up on the quest…

Written byLinda Faith

17th January 2017

Don’t give up on the quest…

Have you ever read a book and only gotten half way through? It either lost your interest or you thought what you had gotten out of it so far was “good enough”. You got the gist of the theme and felt you didn’t need to finish the book. I used to be this person! Now I’m so hungry for knowledge and experience of others, especially in the spiritual arena.

We learn from others, through others and we also gain our own understanding and revelation through Holy Spirit. I am a creative person, so reading for me as a child and teen was difficult. It made school very difficult for me. Books couldn’t keep my attention. I had a hard time comprehending. I just learned better visually and hands on. But something amazing happened the farther along I got in my journey as a Christian. My hunger overpowered my inability to comprehend text. I was determined to read, digest and know what these books were saying. Especially the bible. Holy Spirit became my teacher and gave me revelation. God proved it was possible to be an intellectual person with a creative mind. When I was 25 I accomplished something that I could have only done with the aid of the Lord and Holy Spirit. I passed the state board test to be a Licensed Optician in the state of North Carolina. Math was definitely not my strong suit but I had to recall from many years past and re-learn algebra formulas. My career counted on this. If I didn’t pass this portion of the test I couldn’t get my degree. It was a joyful day when I received the letter stating I had passed. I had studied, worked problems and I didn’t give up. I continued applying what I had learned to my work so I wouldn’t lose sight of what I was working towards. I kept the goal in my sights. Really I refused to be defeated by it. This really has been a miracle in my life. It comes down to desire, hunger and knowing your purpose. You have to have a clear vision of what you’re working towards.

I’m not saying you have to have clarity with every step you take because if that was the case then we wouldn’t need trust. I had a goal and I was pursuing it. You have to desire to change and believe you can. Then the hunger will come to know and to grow; not accepting anything less. When you know the purpose of why you are doing what you are doing, it puts a drive in you towards the end result. You and I are incredible beings! Everyone of us! You know that when our Father, THE CREATOR, looks at us and thinks about us He sees how He designed us. Perfect! Even though life and choices we make may cause us to lose focus and even wander, it doesn’t change His view of us. He is still believing for the best in us and knows that you can become who He intended you to be. He will not give up on the quest of your heart before He reaches the treasure of it. Nor will He give up the quest of helping you become who He intended you to be, but you must yield to Him. It’s a beautiful picture of truth when you can grasp it and see it for yourself.

We give up too easy on God. We get a need met, prayer answered, a raise at work or go to church sporadically not carrying it into our everyday lives and give up on finding the real treasure that awaits us. I’m not talking about eternity, that was sealed through your salvation. I’m talking about fullness in life on the earth and bringing forth His will. We can’t read a book half way through and expect to know the end of the story. We can speculate, create or assume how it will end. But wouldn’t it be so much better to have the full story and complete details to apply to our lives.

The Lord convicted me of reading too many books at one time and never finishing them. He told me to choose and to finish so that I could have all the information and steward it well in my life. I was absorbing so much material on different subjects that I was mastering none of them. I was hungry for knowledge, especially the supernatural, but just like food, eating a bunch of different snacks may make me full but was it the best choice for a meal? He’s calling all His children to excellence and that requires making good sensible choices with wisdom from the Holy Spirit. In order to bring forth His will on the earth we have to be focused. He wants us to know and to learn, but He’d rather you master one gift or area of your life than be split in multiple ways. So locate what it is that you are trying to accomplish. Set your focus, apply your knowledge and wisdom and go after that with all your heart. He will equip you along the way to achieve it.

That next book will still be there for when you finish and master the first one. The Father is waiting for you to excel and wants to help you champion these areas of your life. He wants to give you the treasure of friendship, abundant life in health, wealth and understanding. Don’t give up! Go for the treasure!

Dee White

Dee White has been walking with the Lord for over 20 years and has found a way to use her God given gifts, personal experiences and passions to minister to others. She has walked the road of depression, anxiety and suffered with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The Lord has completely transformed her and she has been delivered and healed from all of them. As an artist and disciple of Jesus she finds great comfort in writing and loves to share her heart and the heart of the Father through devotions, storytelling or her art. She is passionate about seeing others set free and living a victorious life in Christ.

She has resided in South Carolina for 10 years and attends Bridgeway Church in Greenville, SC with her husband and two children.

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