Laughter is the best medicine

Written byLinda Faith

6th April 2019

Laughter is the best medicine

“A Cheerful heart is good medicine”. Proverbs 17:22

I don’t know about you, but I love to laugh! Two of my all-time favorite shows are “I Love Lucy” and “America’s Funniest Home Videos” because they make me laugh. I also really enjoy those friends who love to laugh with me and who make me laugh! You know the ones that make you laugh so hard your ribs hurt for days! After spending time with them you feel good, refreshed, and happy. Time spent with them fills you up, overflowing with joy. It replenishes you and makes you cheerful. We can all use a daily dose of joy and happiness in life. The saying “laughter is the best medicine” is true and it is a vital part of our daily lives.

Everyone loves to laugh. Look around and you will notice that people of all ages and cultures love to laugh. Whether it’s the comic section of the newspaper, watching a comedy or funny bloopers on TV, listening to a comedian, or sharing a good joke, everyone loves a good laugh. No matter what culture, laughter is the one thing that brings people together other than sharing good food.

Laughter is contagious too! Have you noticed when a group of people are laughing, others always want to join in? Or when you read something funny or hear a good joke you want to share it with your friends? Even the sound of children laughing and playing brings joy to your ears, and makes you smile. There’s something so refreshing about the sweet sound of laughter.

Did you know that laughter is also good for you? Laughter, like medicine, makes you feel better. Studies have proven that laughter not only brings people together, but it really is beneficial for your health. It’s good for your body, boosts your energy, exercises your muscles, decreases blood pressure, helps you relax, improves your sleep, diminishes pain, protects you from the damaging effects of stress, and boosts your immune system. Best of all, it’s fun, free, and easy to do! Laughter truly is GOOD medicine for the mind and body.

The bible talks about joy and laughter. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine”. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” God created joy and laughter, and He knew the importance of having them in our daily lives. He wants us to find joy in everything, and to be joyful always. His joy gives us strength and it literally brings health and sustains us.

Laughter truly is good medicine, God’s medicine, and is a blessing to us for our mind, body, and soul! He knows that we all need a daily dose, especially in this crazy, stressful, fast-paced world that we live in. So take time each day to fill your mind, your body, your heart, and your soul with laughter. And best of all, don’t forget to share it with others too!

Dana Bucci

Author and Illustrator, Dàna Marie Bucci lives in the beautiful Carolinas. For over 15 years she has been blessed to work with children, teaching Sunday school for kindergartners and toddlers, and volunteering at her daughter’s school giving her a priceless connection with children. She has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science; however her first love has always been creative arts and ministering to children which led her to become a children’s author and illustrator.

God has placed a heartfelt desire in her to write and illustrate biblical based children’s books that children can understand, aid parents and child care providers in teaching, and encourage family time.

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