Lord You are
Lord You are
The Lord of my life – the reason I sing
You have captured the essence of my heart
You are
Awe inspiring
A warring warrior, who fought for my heart
A covenant Savior, who captured my heart
You sought me out
You found me
You brought me out
Now I am Yours
My blessed, Holy Savior
Yes, I am Yours
Joanie Millier
Joanie Miller authors children’s books. She lives in California.
I love writing and have enjoyed journaling all my life. I’ve been writing articles for Jewels Magazine over the last year, and love sharing about the Lord and encouraging others in our faith. I’m a published author of a children’s book:”Help,Lord! I Need A Bandage On My Heart.” I’m almost ready to publish my second book in the “Help Lord” series in a few months. In 2009 I received a diploma from LongRidge Writers Group, and I received an Honorable Mention Certificate in the Writer’s Digest 76th Annual Writing Competition. I feel very priviledged to have this opportunity to write for Jewels Magazine.