The power of an aroma

Written byLinda Faith

16th November 2017

The power of an aroma

One night, a few weeks ago, my husband and I went into a grocery store to grab milk and a few other things to survive breakfast the next weekday morning. We had made plans to dash in and out because we were just so tired. We were not going to walk around and pick what we were low on. This was not the day for shopping. It was a time for ‘Grab and go’. And we were successful. Well, we had gotten our milk and other supplies successfully. We were making it to the door when we smelt a whiff of coffee emanating from the in-store Starbucks. Suddenly at that moment, coffee seemed enticing; never mind we were tired and we needed sleep more than coffee – to make matters worse, there was a line. We both looked at each other and gave in. We agreed that we needed a cup of coffee. At this time! Yeah. The smell did the trick.

What is your smell like?

The coffee aroma drew us, and we decided we wanted it because it presented an enjoyment to us.
Corinthians 2:15 says: For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. And so I believe that if we are truly releasing our aroma in Christ, then people will smell us in the grocery store, and want what we have; people will smell us on the Bart, in the classroom, at the workplace, in the salon – and our pleasing aroma will draw them to God. Won’t it be a great thing for people to smell what you have, and turn from what they were doing; most especially if it were worldly! The thing is you don’t want them to only turn, but be willing to change their plans to get what you have. How many times has that happened to you? What do you have that they would want today?

We must become the agent of change in someone else’s life. We become the coffee they were longing for. Jesus was the water the woman at the well needed. Peter was the very thing the cripple man needed who sat at the Beautiful Gate. Ezekiel was the one the dry bones needed in the valley. Of course in all these instances, God was the One doing the work, yet these people were the aroma. They were the conduit. They were the agent. They were the smell of the power of God!
I encourage you to smell of God this week. At times, to smell of something, requires that you be immersed in it. Like potpourri, be immersed so that you become a stopper, a changer, an agent today!

Let your mind wander

Linda Faith

Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She has authored eight books. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk. She was a software developer before she started writing.

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