Your soul has no color

Written byLinda Faith

5th April 2017

Your soul has no color

We on earth have got it all so wrong. We have built fences according to our outward color. We have cut out our lives according to a socio status; a kin status; a wealth paradigm; a bloodline myth; a sub-division understanding; a square-footage belief; a carrier hierarchical model; a spiritual falsity. And so with this tower of babel that most of us manage to build and maintain, we fail to see that heaven is not a mirror of earth. In fact earth is nothing like heaven. And so spending all our time, energy and sweat maintaining this earthly fragile existence; striving to keep it all from collapsing everyday at the expense of spiritually knowing God and living for Him is a total loss to our soul.

I always remember that song ‘I can only imagine’ by Mercy Me. This song reflects on what it would be like when we abandon our flesh; our color; our name; our house; our natural – and progress to truly seeing Him face to face. What will it be like when we stand in His glory? Will we dance? Will we sing? Will we be able to stand at all? This experience that we will all have is not defined by color, race or creed. It is not to be determined by our religious state. It will be determined by what is in our heart and how we lived. It will be determined by our love and passion for God. It will be determined by the life choices that were made out of living for Him; and not out of living for ourselves.

It is after this life that our soul will be truly activated. It will be all we have got. And then we will see that our soul has no color; we are not as different as we had thought. We have shed all that. We have shed our hair color; our tone (our accent, or lack of accent); our culture; our resemblance and dissemblance. All that meant much on earth; and means nothing in heaven.

So what carries weight in heaven? Our soul. Saved? Amen! Unsaved? Eternal ouch!

So I ask you again? What color is your soul? If you cannot name it, then don’t be hung up on it. What will not make sense eternally must not be paid attention to. In fact we must not get sucked into such, and use that as a basis to build walls, relate to others or insulate ourselves from others. We must in fact look forward to such a day when our soul is free from the hindrances of the flesh. What a day that will be!

Linda Faith
Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She has authored eight books. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk. She was a software developer before she started writing.

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