Dangerous times…

Written byLinda Faith

16th May 2017

Dangerous times

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine last week. I asked her about the Christian climate in England. There was a varied, far reaching series of subsets to our conversation. One of such subset was a thinking going on in England that God does not know everything; another thinking was that the Bible should not be taken in its literal form, but must be put in context by the reader.

This provoked a series of bombastic thoughts in me; these thoughts ranged down my memory lane of Christianity. This friend crowned our conversation with an almost sigh that the past days of believing seem lost now, she said, “we are living in a different time”.

I sadly agree with her. These strands of thinking are not confined to England, they are everywhere; even here in the U.S. I look again at when I decided to give my heart to the Lord. I wonder if I would have if He was an ambiguous God. Would I have given my life to a God who discovers just as I do. Would I have given my heart to a God whose word is not a rock; whose word can be shifted and maligned just by the context in which I slot it. Can I trust a word that is not uniform, indivisible and without spine.

Another problem is this: coming to believe that God does not know everything nullifies Isaiah 46:10 which says this:I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” If God does not know everything, how can He make known the end from the beginning? And if we say He is unaware, how then can He be purposeful? And if He is not purposeful, why bother?

Why bother with God? Why believe? Why have faith? Why be a Christian? Why eat a half baked bread? Why eat at all if the food is not able to satisfy? I never knew in my lifetime that we will have to explain if God knew all things. When I came to faith, I had thought that it ends when I believe. Now the times have shifted. Things have changed. People can’t live the word as is. We now need to tamper with it, we need to take away and add to. We need to put things in context, because as exists does not work or fit into our lifestyles. Yes, we want to save ourselves from believing blindly. Why bother with the Bible if you have to put everything into context yourself? Are we that smart that we can truly contextualize the Bible? I believe what is happening here is that we want to save ourselves from “simply believing”. Yes, because this is the hard part. So we are now looking for a way to prod the word. We are looking for a way to flesh it out, to make it pliable, to bend according to our own misgivings. We want to bend God our way.

We want to bend our God!

None of this will work. God says of Himself that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. And so regardless of the dark ages we might find ourselves in, we will find that His requirements and statements are still the same. Deuteronomy 4:2 says: You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

There is no excuse to seeing God as confounded and NOT knowing. I fear to do this. I encourage you not to do so either for your own sake. There is no excuse not to believe that the WORD of God is literally that – The WORD of God; undiluted and unbreakable. We can choose not to believe it, but we do not have the ability to amend it in anyway whatsoever.

Linda Faith
Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She has authored eight books. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk. She was a software developer before she started writing.

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