Being a replica of Christ

Written byLinda Faith

26th July 2017

Being a replica of Christ

Ephesians 5:1 speaks of us being a replica of Christ.

When I think of a replica, I am reminded of those fun times I shared with our kids when they were younger. We would juice some oranges, mix up a berry cordial, or put whatever came to us together – simply to extract the juice. Then we would pour the juice into these plastic pop molders and with excitement stick them into the freezer. I always instructed them not to get them out early, ‘give them time to freeze’. There is a process to everything. At times they couldn’t wait and so they drank the intended frozen popsicles instead. It was all fun then. And I often smile when I reminisce on what they were up to. They just couldn’t wait. Just like baking your favorite cake. You stick it in the oven, and then you can’t wait to eat it. Almost instant joy. Though the cake needs twenty more minutes, you convince yourself that it is baked. You begin to eat and find out it is raw within. Ouch!

And so we are the same. To be imitators, we have to be poured into the mold, and go through the process. There is a process to becoming like Jesus Christ. You just don’t wake up and become like Him. There is a process we go through such that we won’t easily lie, cheat, slander, run riot with jealousy, covet others’ stuff etc. There is a process that we go through that holds us back from being all out ourselves, our flesh, our lust, our greed, our own. We either go through the process or not. But to go through the process takes time and patience and allowing the process to work its way in your life. Else, the result is certain, a runny wishy-washy Christian – that looks nothing like Christ Himself.

We are afraid of being stuck in the freezer or the oven. We are afraid of the process, but without the process there will be no change. How do you like drinking a frozen popsicle? Maybe not. That is the same with God. He said He will spit such out of His mouth.

’It is a great thing to be a ‘True’ imitator of Christ, and not be a ‘counterfeit’. I struggle with that word ‘counterfeit’ a lot, because it means fake; it means not the real deal. I cannot imagine me living such a Christian life – it has no value and no reward. It is like a sloppy frozen popsicle that must be thrown out. And so what will enable me to be real? The process. Go through your process. Note I said ‘your’. Yes everyone has their own process. I don’t want yours, and you certainly don’t want mine. God might want to refine me in a way that is different from yours. One shoe does not fit all. Let God have His way with you. Let Him be your teacher, counselor, guide and help. Let Him have ownership of you. What you will note about processes are these: they are routine-ish, almost boring. They are a matter of fact. They are orderly. They are step by step. They have a determined end before you even start. You cannot skip a step! They might not be fun. They will stretch you. They are like the twenty years Jacob spent with Laban. They are like the years Joseph spent in prison. They are like the three days Jesus spent in the tomb. You just can’t escape your process!

Do not be impatient with your ‘process. That is the ONLY instrument that refines you and changes you to becoming like Him. Your process!

Linda Faith
Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She has authored eight books. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk. She was a software developer before she started writing.

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