Claiming God’s promises

Claiming God’s promises

Claiming God’s promises Imagine you losing your keys. You search and search and search; and then you retrace your steps and go to the lost and found counter; there it was along. You just had to claim it. Many times we are searching for something. We keep asking...
Can God feel your hurts?

Can God feel your hurts?

Can God feel your hurts? I often wonder if God can feel my feelings. You know those fears and uncertainties. I wonder if He can feel our pain and anguish. I wonder if He can feel our joy and exhilaration; just like you would see a smile on your child’s face and be...
Taking risks

Taking risks

Taking risks Life is about taking risks. I call them risks; but really they are those things we do not because we are able to do them, but we do them because we are not able to do them. In the natural, we put our money in a stock that we feel has the potential of...
Wind of change

Wind of change

Wind of change There is a wind of change that is coming upon this land. A change of hearts; a change of vision; a change of attitude. I will not leave it to man what I will do – I will do it myself, says the Lord. I will confound them who have not obeyed Me. I will...