by kayode_adm | Feb 3, 2016 | Devotionals
Claiming God’s promises Imagine you losing your keys. You search and search and search; and then you retrace your steps and go to the lost and found counter; there it was along. You just had to claim it. Many times we are searching for something. We keep asking...
by kayode_adm | Jan 8, 2016 | Devotionals
Taking God at His word This is where my heart is – to take God at His Word. I take it literally that it must be true. I take it literally that it has no shade of gray in it. It is plain and simple. He spoke it because He can do it. I truly take Him at His Word. It is...
by kayode_adm | Jan 8, 2016 | Devotionals
Do not be afraid of your adversaries We all have adversaries in life. We all have that friend who is more like a fiend. We have those foe-like people in our lives. Such people might be your boss, regardless of how much good your work is, they never see it’s value....
by kayode_adm | Dec 30, 2015 | Devotionals
His Steadfast Love Endures Forever I think as women, from time to time, we go through doubts and insecurities within ourselves on many subjects. A big one for me, and I think it’s fair to say also for many women is feeling unlovable—to others and even to God. I...
by kayode_adm | Dec 30, 2015 | Devotionals
Human Editing I read an article on New York Times written by Amy Harmon about how scientists are doctoring calves, to remove their natural ability to grow horns. So how do they do it? Well some scientists in a lab have the cell of a calf in a petri-dish. Then they...