Does God play charades?

Written byLinda Faith

10th March 2017

Does God play charades?

Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

To be in unity we must be in agreement and “speaking the same language”. I’m sure you have encountered a person at some time in your life that spoke a different language than you and felt the frustration when you couldn’t communicate properly with them. You may even resort to some sort of language charades. You know, the exaggerated hand gestures, raising the volume of your voice or slowing your speech down to emphasize words. Some of what you are trying to communicate may get through, but if it’s not in the same language then chances are your communication will fail. It can be funny and frustrating. I believe that we all have experienced the fun or humorous side of God at one time or another. He is JOY and laughter is from Him; so if you’ve ever laughed you’ve experienced that characteristic of God.

So why is it that people think God is so serious all the time?

Last time I checked, seriousness and stress in the natural can lead to major health problems. There is a time and place for everything, but seriousness is not a fruit of the Spirit as we say at our church.

Are you speaking the same language as God is? Or is there a language barrier between you and God? We may not be seeing breakthroughs or answered prayers from God because of a language break down. We need to establish why there is a communication break down between us and God. Of course, the Holy Spirit is the One who instructs us in all things of the Kingdom and the Word of God. Remember that the Holy Spirit is a person. It is important that we have a relationship with Him, as well as with the Father and our Lord Jesus. They all have different roles but are on the same team to accomplish the same thing. There is even order in rank. The Father being the first person of the Trinity, then Jesus, then Holy Spirit. They have to have perfect communication to accomplish what needs to be done. I love how Benny Hinn explains it in his teaching of the Trinity. He says the Father gives the commands and releases Jesus, who does the command and Holy Spirit is the power in it all. Like the light switch analogy. Father gives the command to flip the switch. Jesus flips the switch, but the Holy Spirit is the electricity to power it and make it shine.

So we need to be fully submitted to the Father and Jesus to allow the Holy Spirit to operate in our lives.

Can you see our Father giving a command to Jesus and He sends the Holy Spirit to carry it out, but the fuse short circuits when it reaches you because you’re not tied into the power. We must be in alignment with the Lord, with our frequencies tuned to Him without static interfering. The busyness of our lives, distractions from the enemy and lack of time in the secret place will run interference in our lives. There is always going to be something, that is why we must be intentional about our pursuit of Them. We must be sharpening our language skills in the spirit and the natural. We must learn to think like Them, act like Them and speak like Them.

I can’t help but think of God trying to get our attention in extreme ways because we failed to understand His prior attempts. For instance, if He is challenging you to practice yielding and you are not getting the clear message from Holy Spirit, you may begin to see “yield” signs everywhere you drive. Then one day it dawns on you. You get the revelation that the Lord is trying to tell you something. Whatever the situation, let’s not wait for that “sign”. Let’s choose to intentionally pursue Them. Praying and practicing our prayer language to keep our spirits built up.

It is an incredibly powerful feeling to know I have and can exercise my gift of a language that the enemy cannot understand. He has to play the guessing game. He sneaks around like a lion seeking whom he may devour, picking up scraps that he might or could use against us. That is a huge reason why we must be in tune with the Holy Spirit and speak as our Father speaks. The enemy will use what he recognizes and hears to build a case against us. He loves using our very own words against us.

Words and proper interpretations of them are so important. It may be funny to think of God playing a game of charades with us to reach us on our level, but it’s not a game at all. He desires complete unity with you. And He wants us to have complete unity with one another. If two cannot agree then they cannot be in unity.
Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Truly, unity and understanding of The Father and one another is an issue of the heart. We must be in one accord to accomplish the Lord’s will. Let us take the example from the book of Acts:

Acts 1:8, 13-14 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” When they had entered the city, they went up to the upper room where they were staying; that is, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James. These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.

Dee White

Dee White has been walking with the Lord for over 20 years and has found a way to use her God given gifts, personal experiences and passions to minister to others. She has walked the road of depression, anxiety and suffered with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The Lord has completely transformed her and she has been delivered and healed from all of them. As an artist and disciple of Jesus she finds great comfort in writing and loves to share her heart and the heart of the Father through devotions, storytelling or her art. She is passionate about seeing others set free and living a victorious life in Christ.

She has resided in South Carolina for 10 years and attends Bridgeway Church in Greenville, SC with her husband and two children.

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