Election Day

Written byLinda Faith

7th November 2016

Election Day

We are in the election season. Election Day is tomorrow. November 8 2016 is the day when the choice will be made and the new president of the United States will be chosen. Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton. And so every citizen of the United States of America has the power of one vote. They can cast it whichever way they want, to choose who they want to lead the nation. Someone who they identify with; who they trust to lead this country in the right way; who they believe in. The citizens of the U.S. will take part in democracy; where the power to pick a leader does not depend on the power of your wallet, inherent privileges etc. Where the power to choose is not contested or denied.In fact the voting system is so defacing, and so stripping – yet so empowering. Democracy rocks! It empowers by leveling the playing field. It gives every citizen the same number of votes – one! The rich cannot have more votes than the poor. Everyone has the same vote. Democracy ensures that you do not brand as many votes as the zeros in their bank account.

Death uses this system too! It defaces. It strips one of the riches and inherent privileges. There is no hierarchy anymore. Just one vote! The ‘D’ for Democrat and the ‘R’ for Republican is meaningless. It is lost as we lose our body. It does not make sense on the other side who you voted for. And yet you would have chosen a home. Your salvation is your vote. You would have earned that vote all your lifetime; you would have earned that vote based on your life choices; you would have earned that vote or not – depending on if you believed that Jesus is the Son of God.

What an irony? Elections are very four years, with a set date in November to use the privilege of citizenship. The oddity about the salvation vote is that you do not know when you will be required to use it. There is no Tuesday set in November every four years that employs our expectation. We have to just simply get ready to use the salvation vote. It can be any day, it can be anytime. We just have to be ready.

I encourage you not to be complacent, exercise your heavenly citizenship. Get yourself prepared by living for God and loving Him. You will get to use your vote one day; the time is not predetermined.

And I also entreat you to remember to vote on November 8th! Remember to choose a leader! Be part of making a difference in your nation. Ask God. He will show you who to vote for. It is your duty to vote!  

Linda Faith

Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She co-pastors along with her husband Revival Worship Church, Tampa. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk.

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