Jesus, the Plan B

Written byLinda Faith

27th December 2019

Jesus, the Plan B

Jesus was never Plan A. The Ten Commandments was the Plan A. God had intentionally created those laws, ten of them, to cover every type of sin. Yes, sin against Him, sin against our neighbor, etc. He thought of all that could remove us from Him and made a law to keep us in check. He made the ten laws to prohibit us from falling out of favor, out of love, out of covenant with Him. The laws were meant to protect something sacred, our relationship with Him. The Laws were meant to preserve the access we had to Him. However, very quickly, it became clear that we had and do have a propensity to break His laws. Yes, we have the audacity to go out of His bounds, fall out of love with Him, fall out of fellowship, fall out of favor. God must have thought hard and wondered how He could keep us close, keep us in fellowship, keep us in love with Him. He must have pondered how He could keep us from the clutches of the enemy. “How?” “How, can I keep them close?”

God abhors sin, and here we were, a sinful people. How could He continue to have a relationship with such a sinful people? How could He the Holy God have a relationship with such a disobedient people? God must have looked upon His Son and said, “My Son, My Son, how can I save these people from themselves?” After much deliberation, they must have both determined that only a sacrifice could save humanity. Such sacrifice that cannot be equated to the blood of an animal; not the blood of a lamb or goat. It had to be more. Yes, so much more. It had to cost more than that. It had to be pure and holy blood. This sacrifice had to be based on love; it had to have a foundation of mercy; it had to have a pain point.

What divine revelation worketh in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Our all wise God and His Son knew that the Son will become that “blood”, that “Lamb”; God in flesh. The Son was the only answer God had for humanity that could save. For God to save humanity, it had to cost Him something; it had to cost God His utmost treasure which was/is His Son. John 3:16 says He gave His Son…” He gave His Son to get us.

In time this Plan B would become a reality to a virgin girl, Mary. She would become pregnant with a Son, the Son of God. She will be overshadowed by a power from heaven that will bring about the “Lamb” to come to earth. His entrance was to be without bells or whistles; it was to be unrecognized and unnoticed by those He was to save. Thank God some were aware: the angels who came to worship Him, the wise men who came to bring gifts from afar to honor Him.

Merry Christmas to you and all of yours during this season as we try to emulate the angels and the wise men. We also worship in carols and a thankful heart. Like the wise men we buy gifts: a pair of socks, a scarf, a pair of shoes, a garment, whatever… We are intent on giving a gift because we have become wise also, we have become wise as He now lives in us; He moves in us; Jesus is not a figment of our imagination. He is real; the Father is real; the Holy Spirit is real. We are sure of Him. He is alive. And so this Christmas season we are doing what the angels and the wise men did; but we are not stopping there. We are so aware of the true story; we are aware that there was no room in the inn, and that the Son of God was born in a manger, amongst animals and dirt. We are wiser now. Therefore, we must chose to make room in our hearts this season. We make room for Him. We give Him the best space we have. He is Lord. He is our messiah. He is our King. We are declaring all of these and more. We thank God for the sacrifice of our King coming down to earth. Amen!

Linda Faith
Linda is a prolific writer. Her body of work includes inspiring poems, fictional books, and Christian living empowering books. You can find her work on Linda is also the pioneer of Joy Women, a platform she employs to inspire women all over the world to be all God has destined them to be. Read more about Linda at

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