Self will

Written byLinda Faith

4th April 2016

Self will

I was speaking with a dear lady the other day, and I began talking about self-will. I visualized self-will as an object; a very present object with characteristics and attributes. It has very strong characteristics that are almost overwhelming. This self-will is our will, but it is so driven and obstinate that it refuses to bow or submit. If you ever find yourself unwilling to bow to the will of God, then that is self-will.

The problem with self-will is that it stands between you and God, and it never allows you to get close to Him or even attain the privileges that have been laid out for you. Self-will is a noose around the neck of those who have it; it has to be broken in our lives. It robs us of an intimacy with our God. It lifts our will up above God’s will. It challenges God’s will and makes our will the ultimate. Our desires become the most important, and inadvertently have the superior place in our lives. Self-will is selfishness; it is about ‘me’ and ‘I’. It will not bow and will not give in.

To get close to God self-will has to die. The beauty about self-will is when it dies it births a lot of fruit. It is so fertile in people’s lives; ironically this fertility can only happen when self-will does not exist any longer. Self-will can only thrive when it dies. And the will of God is allowed to flourish in our lives. When God’s will flourishes, the beauty of God comes alive in our lives.

A woman said to me, ‘I want to live the fullness of God’. This is a passion all of us must have. This is something that all of us can attain, and which can be fulfilled when self-will dies. The fullness in Christ cannot be lived in our own fullness – it can only be lived in God’s fullness. God’s fullness only comes upon us when self-will dies.

Linda Faith

Linda faith is the editor of Jewels Magazine. She co-pastors along with her husband Revival Worship Church, Tampa. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk.

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