The jealous spirit

Written byLinda Faith

19th March 2019

The jealous spirit

Saul was very angry with David such that his desire was to kill David as per 1 Samuel 19:1. He repeatedly thought of ways to kill David. He drove his spear at full force towards the young man who played his lyre to relief the king of his torment. And why was Saul so angry? He was jealous and fearful of David. David had killed Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, and Saul could not help but raise David’s profile. He kept on sending him to war, and David kept on winning. 1 Samuel 18:5 says ‘whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops and Saul’s officers as well. When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with tumbrels and lyres. As they danced, they sang, ‘Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.’ Amen!

That is what it looks like when God Himself lifts you up. Man cannot deny that God is with you and for you. And because of this, Saul hated David.

He was jealous of the young man’s poise, calm, presence, and that God’s hand was upon him. He was jealous that God was and would elevate David above him. He was jealous that David was destined for greatness. He was operating in the spirit of jealousy.

Jealousy is a very present driving force, that stops those who have allowed themselves to fall under its spell, never to see or say anything good about those who clearly have good in them. We have to be careful that we do not operate in this spirit. We have to pay attention to why we say and do certain things. If you cannot say anything good about someone else, or find it difficult to lift others up, ask yourself why? I have come across people who operate in this spirit. And because they stand against what God is doing, they stopped God’s blessings that should have flowed into their lives. They became their greatest obstacle. They kept their eyes on others’ progress rather than keep their eyes on God. Saul kept his eyes on David rather than keep his eyes on God. Saul was not self-aware of his despise for God’s chosen. Scripture says in 1 Samuel 18:8 that Saul was very angry when he heard the women lifting David up. God cannot abide with us when we operate with a jealous spirit. We might think He is there, but He isn’t. 1 Samuel 17:12 says Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with David but had departed from Saul. God had departed from Saul, because God cannot abide in jealousy.

Despite Saul’s unholy behavior towards David, God was with David according to 1 Samuel 18:14, and because of this David kept on having great success.

God will give us good success. But as for those who are jealous and can’t say anything good about you because of God’s hand on your life, they will hold themselves back from God’s blessings. I want to be on God’s side. I want to be in the midst of God’s blessing. I want more of what God has for me. I hold no jealousy in my heart. That is the place to be if we will receive God’s blessings today! Amen!

Linda Faith

Linda Faith is a prolific writer. Her body of work includes inspiring poems, fictional books, and Christian living empowering books. You can find her work on Linda is also the pioneer of Joy Women, a platform she employs to inspire women all over the world to be all God has destined them to be.

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