Would you like an automated Christian life?

Written byLinda Faith

28th March 2018

Would you like an automated Christian life?

The world wants us to do less, and someone else or something else do our tasks for us. And especially when there is money to pay for such a service, we take this alternative. We have someone fix our yard, wash our car, take care of our children, teach our children, and even pay someone to go on a date with us. We are a people that have taken and rightly so, advantage of this automated age. Cars drive themselves; our fridge orders our depleted groceries; and our phone maps our way to unknown destinations. Everything else but us is the way of our society. And we love it! Less pressure and demand on ourselves. We are happy, and those providing the services are happy and content because they are being paid. But there are somethings in life that are not transactional; that you can’t pay for others to do for you. You can try, but it will not work. One of those such things is paying someone else to read your Bible for you; or pray in your stead; or for someone else do what God has asked you to do. Everything about God is a heart thing, and except your heart is in it, it won’t work. The question we must ask is this,’ is my heart in my faith walk?’ I have met many people whose hearts have not been in their faith walk. They quote scriptures and join in prayer meetings, and even serve in their churches – but all these actions failed to be a heart thing.

According to scripture, at some point we all become responsible for our salvation; we become responsible for our faith work, our belief, how we live, how we communicate, how we interact with others, what side we take on matters that affect others’ lives. We are responsible for what we say and do. Where God is concerned, there is no delegation – and certainly no one else will pick up our gain or loss. Indeed, what we sow, we certainly must reap. Your vacuum cleaner cannot love for you, or give water to a stranger on your behalf, or pray for the sick, or show kindness to another. You have to do these acts that are Christlike.

Think about it, could a robot have gone to the Cross in place of Jesus? What would have done? Who else could have been the Lamb? When you think of it like this, then you will see the gravity of what you also must do in His name. No one should do it for you – but you yourself. You are the one that must show love, mercy, truth, compassion etc.

In the face of such truth, we must be sensitive regarding what we sow and how we sow it. I love what that blind man said in John 9:25: “…One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” We all must see a better way to sow seeds of love, compassion, peace, self-discipline, godliness, righteousness, holiness etc. This is not the work of a government or an institution, this is the task that our relationship with God requires of us. And if we will allow God and let God have all of us, then our society will change – because NO ONE can reject love, compassion, tolerance, peace and truth which is totally based on LOVE.

Written by Linda Faith
Linda faith is the Editor in Chief of Jewels Magazine. She has authored eight books. She is a prolific writer and powerful speaker, inspiring many women to be all God has called them to be. She is the founder of Joy Women’s conference which reaches out to empower, inspire and motivate women in their faith walk. She was a software developer before she started writing.
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